I made roti jala yesterday for breakfast. It is a popular Malay snack that is served with curry. Here are the ingredients for roti jala:
350g plain flour
25 g cooking oil
1 egg
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp salt
200g coconut milk
400g water
25 g cooking oil
Place plain flour, cooking oil, egg, turmeric, salt, coconut milk and water in a mixing bowl and blitz it for 2 minutes at speed 4. If you do not have a thermomix, you can use any kitchen food processor.
Next transfer the mixture into a roti jala dispenser bottle which comes with spouts.

Turn on the stove and place a non-stick frying pan over a medium fire. Grease the pan lightly.
Squeeze the roti jala dispenser bottle slightly above the frying pan and moved it in an irregular pattern in a circular motion.
Cook the roti jala on both sides until it is golden brown. Roll them to form a cylinder. It is best to eat them warm with chicken curry.